Category: Market analysis


As part of the plan to bust NHS backlogs and improve early diagnosis, the Government plans to expand the use of community diagnostic centres (CDCs). But what is the state of CDCs?

Politics & policy

Data from IHPN, when compared with waiting list data from BMA, shows independent sector activity within the NHS has increased at a far greater rate than waiting lists have decreased. While November 2024 saw a 34% increase in private sector activity compared to December 2023, waiting lists had only decreased by 1.6% in the same period.

Market analysis

Narayana Health has reportedly denied rumours it is planning to buy UK hospital group Spire. Were a sale to happen, HealthInvestor understands the group’s ownership structure could make it complicated.

Market analysis

Healthcare M&A has rebounded in a big way. Year-end figures should see at least £2.5bn worth of transactions completed in the UK. Elderly care has proved particularly attractive.


Aymen Mahmoud, co-head of the London finance, restructuring and special situations group at McDermott Will & Emery hosted a panel at Healthcare Private Equity 2022 conference discussing the impact of market uncertainty on borrowers, strategies and terms, and what all of this means for healthcare deals in 2023.

Market analysis

When it comes to patient recruitment for clinical trials, American companies are very focused on the US market , giving the UK operators a big advantage, Kate Shaw, founder and chief executive of patient recruitment firm Innovative Trials tells us.

Market analysis

Research by property consultancy Knight Frank and law firm Irwin Mitchell reveals that over a third (36%) of local authorities in England don’t have clear policies in place to support housing for seniors.


UK care home operators’ costs are set to rise by £165 million this year, representing a 30% increase, due to increased costs of labour, supply and finance according to research by property advisor Knight Frank.

Market analysis

Optimism for the new year

  • 23 December 2021

As 2021 comes to an end, Derek Breingan, head of health and social care sector of Virgin Money, takes a deep dive into the overarching market trends, from liquidity and deal volume increase to competition and inflation.

