As part of the plan to bust NHS backlogs and improve early diagnosis, the Government plans to expand the use of community diagnostic centres (CDCs). But what is the state of CDCs?
Politics & policyNatural large language models (LLMs) like ChatGPT are being used across the economy. But while they can make healthcare better, how can you use them ethically and safely? We chat to Charles Cross, co-founder of Emma AI, to find out more.
InterviewCare England CEO Martin Green says the way in which local authorities commission care makes them “complicit with modern slavery”. Multiple sources on and off the record say tens of thousands of international care workers are stranded in the UK.
Politics & policyOperating rooms could operate better with a helping hand from technology. That’s the view of Nadine Hachach-Haram, founder of Proximie, a company she describes as the “operating system for the operating room”.
InterviewData from IHPN, when compared with waiting list data from BMA, shows independent sector activity within the NHS has increased at a far greater rate than waiting lists have decreased. While November 2024 saw a 34% increase in private sector activity compared to December 2023, waiting lists had only decreased by 1.6% in the same period.
Market analysisThe Government has confirmed funding and a ‘realistic’ timetable to put the New Hospital Programme (NHP) on track to deliver all of the proposed projects.
Politics & policyThe health and social care sector shows signs of recovery, but health and social care experts are unsure how this will play out in the M&A market.
M&ASocial care experts widely see the Casey Review’s 2028 release date as a delay tactic and wonder if some businesses will even survive to see its conclusion.
Politics & policyThe Government has announced its plans to tackle the elective care backlog and to strengthen the partnership between the public and private sectors. Some observers have déjà vu.
Politics & policyThe largely untapped UK consumer healthcare market is ripe for opportunity, according to SunWave CEO Tom Zivanovic. HealthInvestor finds out more.
InterviewNeil Eastwood is looking to tackle the care sector’s workforce crisis. Not only does his app offer a novel solution, but his experience as a former carer and care group director gives him a fascinating perspective on where employers are going wrong.
InterviewHours-long ambulance waits have prolonged patient suffering, but what if calling an ambulance was as simple as ordering an Uber? HealthInvestor interviews Max Korotich, co-founder of ambulance app FlashAid.
InterviewOakland Care’s purchase of a 70-bed care home development site last month highlights key trends in the elderly care market.
Market analysisNearly two-thirds of care and support providers will make redundancies following the the NI and national living wage hikes. HealthInvestor speaks to a workforce expert.
Aziz Ul-Haq discusses how LDC is supporting its healthcare portfolio companies to achieve their growth strategies in a fast-moving market.
Sponsored ContentForbes Stuart, partner at Ignite Growth, which acquired supported living business Acorns Healthcare, talks bout Ignite’s regional growth strategy, his thoughts on UK political risk and more.
InterviewYounes Fegheh-Hassanpour, R&D tax manager at financial advisor RCK Partners explains how the UK can spark global competitiveness in the life sciences industry
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Care England CEO Martin Green says the way in which local authorities commission care makes them “complicit with modern slavery”. Multiple sources on and off the record say tens of thousands of international care workers are stranded in the UK.
Politics & policyAs part of the plan to bust NHS backlogs and improve early diagnosis, the Government plans to expand the use of community diagnostic centres (CDCs). But what is the state of CDCs?
Politics & policyNatural large language models (LLMs) like ChatGPT are being used across the economy. But while they can make healthcare better, how can you use them ethically and safely? We chat to Charles Cross, co-founder of Emma AI, to find out more.